How to Motivate Yourself to Study

These practical tips will help you keep your motivation in check even if you are overwhelmed with work and other commitments.
1. Create a study schedule and routine
Without a plan, you’re just wasting time. Nothing’s worse than going through your day without a to-do list at hand and having no idea where to start and what you should do next.
2. Break tasks into smaller action items
Instead of tackling that entire Biology chapter in one go, break it into smaller, more digestible parts. This way, you’ll build the momentum you need to breeze through study sessions.
3. Set deadlines
Time flies when you’re scrolling through Instagram. Beat the clock by setting deadlines for your study tasks. Try using a timer to add a sense of urgency and keep you on track.
4. Create a welcoming study space
Your environment sets the stage for effective studying. Make sure it’s optimized with the best possible lighting, desk setup, aesthetics, comfort, and temperature to make learning more effective and fun! Studying in a dull, unorganized room sets you back from getting the most out of your study sessions.
5. Time block with the Pomodoro technique
Choose a task to focus on, set a 25 minute timer, and start working on it. After the time runs out, take a break for 5 minutes and repeat the entire process — a method known as the Pomodoro technique.
6. Remove distractions
If your phone’s constant stream of notifications steals your attention while studying, consider a blocking app or even putting your phone in a different room.
7. Write down future goals and purpose
One of the best ways to stay motivated while studying is to remember your “why” — the reason why you’re studying and striving towards your goals in the first place.
8. Join a study group or Discord server
Consider adding some company to the mix by inviting your friends to your study sessions. Discuss difficult topics together, create some funny mnemonics for memorization, and boost each other’s morale while studying.
9. Use an ambient study website
With all the hustle and bustle of student life, finding a relaxing environment is key to staying motivated while studying.
10. Take breaks and recharge
Studying is a marathon, not a sprint. That’s why pacing yourself by taking regular breaks is important to avoid burnout.
11. Find a tutor or study buddy
If you’ve been stuck understanding a difficult lesson for hours already, consider finding a tutor or a study buddy to help you.
12. Listen to a study playlist
Adding your favorite tunes to your study sessions not only puts you in a better mood but also helps you study better by improving your focus.
13. Read motivational quotes
Try reading motivational quotes before starting your next study session for an extra boost.


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