How ChatGPT is Already Changing Education

After launching in November 2022, the chatbot from OpenAI company had made headlines all over the world. Many schools and universities made it clear that they think the new tool made it easier to cheat on assignments, especially essays and tests.
However, after a few months and considerable amount of practical research from teachers both at high schools and universities, it appears that the improved chatbot could be used as help, rather than banned as a fearful instrument.
In the recent article in MIT Technology Review, the author presents examples from teachers on how to successfully integrate ChatGPT’s technology in the classroom. Both to boost the students’ participation and encourage future collaboration with the expanding usage of artificial intelligence.
The new technology integration into the education will without a doubt transform and shake the system and make it focused more on learning and not grading.
Especially when starting a debate with the chatbot that can both stimulate critical thinking and make information more accessible.

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