What Can Companies do to Help Advance More Women Into Leadership?

Science points to a series of steps organizations and individuals can take to help close the leadership gender gap.
  • Identify potential leaders early.
This includes enabling potential leadership candidates to obtain a wealth of feedback at an early point in their careers, through assignments, mentoring, and coaching, all of which may allow them to develop their networks and demonstrate their ability to take on greater responsibilities.
  • Establish mentorship programs that also focus on sponsorship.
When it comes to mentors, however, it’s important that women seek out both mentors, who can provide career guidance, support, feedback, and knowledge, as well as sponsors, who go beyond the role of mentor and use their position and influence to proactively advocate for a junior employee’s advancement.

  • Support women in joining women-led professional organizations. 
Companies can encourage this by including professional development funds in their budgets to increase the ability of employees to take part in these groups.
  • Focus on allyship.
Allies use their privilege and in-group status to support and advocate for those from a different, historically disadvantaged identity group.
Thanks to these and other efforts around the globe empowering women to lead, the future of female leaders shows promise.

Source: apa.org

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