Popular Question About PhD

In our work with the prospective and current PhD students at The SC, quite often we receive questions that are most common when thinking about applying to a postgraduate programme.
We have gathered top three questions and tried to answer them in detail.
Understanding them will help those who want to apply for the PhD programme, but are not quite sure if they have the right information.
-         What is the minimum and maximum duration of a PhD course in most universities?
-         The minimum duration is 2,5 years. The maximum is 4 years, where you must complete the PhD programme in three years but are allowed a one-year extension.
-          Can I switch between topics of my research?
-          Usually there should not be too much difference between the initial topic that you would choose with your supervisor at the beginning and what you can slightly edit later. However, the supervisor will help you if you decide to transit to a more specific or similar area of research.
-          How can I find the right supervisor?
-          Consider researching universities and academic staff in your respected area. Once you choose your research area, find out more about potential supervisors and go to them with your prospective research topic.
More information about PhD programmes you can always find out by contacting us directly and following our social media accounts.
We will be happy to share more useful information in the future, so keep an eye on our news section.

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